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Monash Oakleigh Legal Service


Address地址:60 Beddoe Avenue Clayton VIC 3168

Phone 电话:03 9905 4336

Fax 传真:03 9905 1113


Monash Oakleigh Legal Service (MOLS) is a community legal centre providing free legal services to community members. MOLS began operating in 1979 and is a part of the Faculty of Law at Monash University, Clayton Campus.

MOLS 是一所向社区成员提供免费法律服务的社区法律援助中心。MOLS 于1979年成立,是莫纳什大学clayton校区法学院的一部分。


MOLS is supported by the State Federal Government and Monash University. At MOLS, you will be assisted by Monash University students majoring in law, social work or finance, who are supervised at all times by a qualified legal practitioner.



MOLS handles a variety of different matters. Some of these matters include

MOLS 的工作范围:

· Minor criminal prosecutions (轻微刑事犯罪)

· Neighbourhood disputes (邻里纠纷)

· Motor vehicle accidents (交通事故)

· Traffic prosecutions (交通违例诉讼)

· Tenancy disputes (房屋租赁纠纷)

· Social security (社会保障)

· Matrimonial/family matters (婚姻家庭事务)

· Debt (债权债务纠纷)

· Divorce (离婚)

· Social welfare (社会福利)

MOLS does not handle the following matters:

MOLS 不涉及的事务:

· Employment matters (雇佣关系事务)

· Wills and Immigration (遗嘱和移民)

· Conveyance and mortgage (房产过户和抵押贷款)

· Defamation (诽谤)

· Personal injury and work cover (人身伤害和劳动保障)

· Medical negligence and workers compensation (医疗事故和工伤补偿)


MOLS is a free service and gives priority to those clients least able to access the legal, finance or social welfare system on their own due to financial difficulties, language, literacy or other disadvantage. However, in some cases, you may have to pay expenses. For example, if you have to go to Court, then usually a barrister must be briefed to represent you and you must pay his/her fee (unless you qualify for Victoria Legal Aid).

MOLS 提供免费服务并优先考虑由于经济,语言和其他情况而不能得到法律,经济和社会福利救助的人群。但是,在一些情况下,您会需要支付一些费用。比如,如果您需要出庭律师代表上法庭,您需要支付出庭律师的费用(除非您符合维州法律援助帮的条件)。


MOLS is run by appointment only and legal problems cannot be discussed over the telephone. Appointments are generally made for an hour. To organise an appointment, please contact the office on 03 9905 4336 Monday to Friday 9am to 4.45pm

来MOLS寻求帮助必须预约,我们不会在电话中和您讨论法律问题。您可以在周一至周五 9:00am到4:45pm 拨打我们的电话 03 9905 4336 预约。


Appointment Times 预约时间


9.30am & 10.30am

1.00pm & 2.00pm


9.30am & 10.30am

6.15pm & 7.15pm-Family Advice only


6.15pm & 7.15pm-Generalist Advice only


1.00pm & 2.00pm

6.30pm & 7.30pm


No appointments available


9.30am & 10.30am

1.00pm & 2.00pm


9.30am & 10.30am

6.15pm & 7.15pm-家庭法律建议


6.15pm & 7.15pm-一般法律建议


1.00pm & 2.00pm

6.30pm & 7.30pm



** The contents above are general information, and do not constitute legal advice **

** 以上内容只是一般信息,不包含任何法律意见**